chrono 사용


	// 시간 측정 시작
	system_clock::time_point start = system_clock::now();

	int result = 0;
	int plus = 0;
	for (int i = M; plus < N + 1; i)
		plus += M;
		result += plus;
	// 시간 측정 종료
	system_clock::time_point end = system_clock::now();

	// 시간 계산
	nanoseconds nano = end - start;
	microseconds micro = duration_cast<microseconds>(end - start);
	milliseconds mill = duration_cast<milliseconds>(end - start);
	seconds sec = duration_cast<seconds>(end - start);
	minutes min = duration_cast<minutes>(end - start);
	hours hour = duration_cast<hours>(end - start);

	cout << "걸린 시간 : " << nano.count() << " nanoseconds" << endl;
	cout << "걸린 시간 : " << micro.count() << " microseconds" << endl;
	cout << "걸린 시간 : " << mill.count() << " milliseconds" << endl;
	cout << "걸린 시간 : " << sec.count() << " seconds" << endl;
	cout << "걸린 시간 : " << min.count() << " minutes" << endl;
	cout << "걸린 시간 : " << hour.count() << " hour" << endl;

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